A home lit up by Light Knights with energy efficient lighting
So why the Climate Smart choice? At Umbrella Property Services and our sister company Light Knights Lighting, we have always been conscious of the environmental impact our business has, and its overall contribution to sustainability. As of 2015, we made our company completely carbon neutral and integrated the use of 100% renewable gas. Light Knights Lighting made similar environmentally-conscious moves, with the use of energy efficient LED lighting in all Christmas installations. In addition to this, our holiday lighting is 100% recyclable. Our efficient pack down procedures ensure that the copper is properly salvaged and reused and the plastic/glass is melted from our lighting. From our small implementations to sustainability movements as mentioned above, joining Climate Smart was the next sensible step.
Our desire to do more led us to join Climate Smart in 2015. Climate Smart is a Vancouver-based social enterprise that helps small and medium-sized businesses reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Through Climate Smart’s training and certification process, we learned how to assess our environmental impact and how to identify the best opportunities to reduce our emissions and costs. It was a small investment which leads towards an impact far greater… a sustainable future.

Climate Smart training involves a measure, reduce and adopt model that results in a certification seal with 12 month validity.
In being certified by Climate Smart, we can openly advertise that both Umbrella Property Services and Light Knights Lighting are certified businesses with Climate Smart Certification. The greenhouse gas protocol – which 92% of Fortune 500 companies integrate by reporting to CDP – cover a minimum set of international standards. Adherence to this protocol is what is covered by Climate Smart’s certification and drove us to get the Climate Smart seal of approval
If this isn’t enough, we also know that the City of Vancouver is a host partner of Climate Smart, and has an ambitious goal set of being the greenest city in the world by 2020. Ambition aside, the City of Vancouver has made the important step with Climate Smart of providing the resources to empower small to medium sized businesses – such as ours – to reduce community greenhouse gas emissions. It’s trust in Climate Smart’s ability to provide the tools and knowledge to properly measure, manage and continually seek out ways to reduce greenhouse gas that allow us to be more sustainable in our business methods.
Umbrella is a local business continually striving for sustainability!
Are you happy to book a local service that strives for sustainability? You should give us a call at 1-888-255-4666 with any queries you have on your home maintenance or improving its curb appeal.