Umbrella Property Services - Hand Wash Windows

How to Clean Your Interior Windows by Hand

Umbrella Property ServicesHome Care, Window Cleaning

Window washing is one of those jobs that takes time and devotion. By choosing the right tools and techniques, the task can go much more quickly and produce better results. Gather all of your tools and supplies before you begin. You will need a sponge, bucket, chamois or dry rag and a squeegee. Put a little detergent in a bucket …

Umbrella Property Services - Dirty Gutters

5 Reasons to Have Your Gutters Cleaned

Umbrella Property ServicesGutter Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Window Cleaning

Gutter and downspout systems are an often-overlooked part of home maintenance. However, it is vitally important to clean and maintain your gutters. Overflowing gutters can cause a variety of problems with the most damaging being leaks within your home and basement. By following a twice-yearly cleaning schedule, fall and spring, you will significantly reduce the chances of having costly problems. …